Hope Littles

Parents are welcome to use our Nursery for nursing and diaper changes in a more private setting. 

Some of our favorite sounds in the church are the coos and cries of little children. You can have your little ones join you for the main service. Or if some solace is preferred we have adults available in the classrooms for your children to be cared for. 

Preschoolers will be read a Bible story as well as given a craft to keep their hands busy.


Sunday Mornings 
Our Nursery and Preschool are open during both the 9am and 10am services.

If you are a first time guest, consider on arriving 15 minutes early to check your kids in and get to know their teachers.

Please inform your child's teachers of any allergies.

Feeling off? If you or your child has experienced a fever, vomiting, or flu-like symptoms please join us online. We depend on you to help us maintain a safe and healthy environment.


You can email us with any questions you have.