Lake James Christian Camp & Retreat Center

Lake James Christian Camp and Retreat Center is located on the beautiful shores of the third largest God made Lake in Indiana. For 95 Years Our Mission is to inspire and prepare the next generation to be followers of Jesus. Our Vision is to be a premier destination for spiritual transformation and equipping the next generations of Christians. Our Mission and Vision is carried out primarily in our Summer Youth Camp programs for children entering 1st Grade through High School and events for all ages throughout the year. We are supported by Restoration Movement churches in the Tri-State area and many friends of the camp ministry.

Polish Christian Ministries

Polish Christian Ministries assist Polish Christians in becoming healthy, growing, self-supporting, and reproducing congregations in the nation of Poland. They do this by planting churches equipping and training pastors and church leaders, providing resources for Polish pastors and ministry workers, and building friendships/relationships through Polish church-led initiatives (who has US volunteers to serve with them).

Blue Anvil / SutkeriCare

Blue Anvil: After six years of working in the international justice space on behalf of some of the most exploited people in the world, we learned the biggest barrier to justice was often law enforcement (L.E.) itself. Leveraging years of experience and a small team, Blue Anvil exists to transform I.E.culture in the developing world so justice can flourish for all. We do that by igniting a movement for justice amongst the local church. Forging those called into justice work into the best possible candidates. And then refining them through discipleship and ongoing training so they can be lights for Jesus in some of the worlds hardest to reach places.

SutkeriCare: Sutkeri is the Nepali word for postpartum. If you have experienced this phase of life for yourself, or walked closely with a woman following the birth of her child, you know how difficult those postpartum days can be. Just a year after moving to Nepal, I found myself helping a Nepali friend with her sutkeri time in the hospital and saw how I could bring comfort and wisdom to her. After almost seven years of living in Nepal, God has blessed me with numerous opportunities to come alongside women in their homes to offer help in caring for their vulnerable babies. God has now led me to open an office where I can share the love of Jesus as I mentor other healthcare workers and families in the beautiful work of sutkeri care through lactation education, infant care, and general health information.

Inasmuch Ministry

Inasmuch has a food pantry with household items; a clothing bank; we distribute bus passes; help individuals get their birth certificate and provide limited financial assistance after visiting their township trustee. In the building with us are employees of Allied One Solutions/Just Neighbors/ASPEN/Manpower/Anthem/Care source. Once a month, we provide HIV/Hep C testing.

Great Lakes Christian College

Great Lakes Christian College exists to glorify God by preparing students to be servant leaders in the church and world. That happens two ways. First, we prepare students to become preachers, youth ministers, worship leaders, and missionaries. With sixty percent of preachers of the age of fifty that is incredibly important. Three out of every five churches will search for a minister in the next twenty years and GLCC is preparing that next generation of vocational ministers. Second, we prepare students for marketplace ministry. More than half of Americans are no longer part of a church. If people aren’t coming to church we need to send the church to people. We are preparing students in fields like business, early childhood education, communication, psychology, and compassionate care so they can be the hands and feet of Jesus in the places God calls them to work.

Christian Campus House

The Christian Campus House (CCH) at Trine University is a ministry that seeks to be a community on campus that empowers students to impact the world for Christ. Every year we see students who have grown up in the church make their faith their own and students that have never been to church come to Christ. It is exciting to watch God use the staff and students of CCH to build His kingdom. As the largest student organization on campus we host weekly worship services, small groups, weekend activities and outreach events. Our Tuesday Night Worship service (you can watch online at averages over 130 students and our most popular outreach event is called Friday Night Pancakes. During this event we serve between 200 students pancakes every Friday night from 11pm 1am. This is opportunity to meet new students, and build relationships with people that wouldn’t normally attend our worship service. We ask that you consider praying each day for student’s hearts to be open to the gospel message and that God would do an amazing work in their lives. Thank you for partnering with CCH.

Woodburn Christian Children’s Home

Woodburn Christian Children’s Home empowers discouraged children and families on physical, educational, emotional and spiritual levels. At WCCH, boys and girls, ages 6-21, live in family-style Christian homes on a 30 acre campus. Transformation occurs through Christian family living, counseling, nutrition, exercise, tutoring, life skill instruction and pre-vocational training. WCCH promotes these objectives by instilling faith and values, along with positive attitudes, the exercise of cognitive processes, and the practice of healthy living principles. WCCH is entirely funded through the Christian Church and Church of Christ. WCCH does not accept governmental funding or insurance reimbursement. Children are placed in our homes regardless of their family’s ability to pay placement costs. WCCH integrates the Christian faith into every-day life. No part of our daily life is separated from the expression of our faith.

Haiti Missionaries Lukenson and Edith Cesaire (Wege Neuer Hoffnung)

“Wege Neuer Hoffnung translates to Because of New Hope.” We at WNH dedicate ourselves to particularly disadvantaged children and young people. We started with a training center in the capital, Port-au-Prince, where young women have the opportunity to build their own self-determined lives through sewing, cooking, English, Bible and IT lessons. But we didn’t want to stay in the city. Our dream was and is a center in the country. Through school and vocational training and Bible lessons, we want to help children to help themselves and thus give children new hope and a future. Our goal is to contribute to sustainable community development and to help Haiti solve its major problems in the long term.We
opened a school in October 2014. In the first year, we had around 70 students ages 3-18. We have since grown greatly. Bringing the gospel to children is one of our greatest tasks. Classes begin each morning with a devotional. The children learn Bible verses by heart and thus get to know the Bible better. The students should also receive a warm meal.

LifeVenture Group

LifeVenture Group is a mission offering people new life in Jesus. They seek to launch life-giving ventures that offer the good news of Jesus to unreached people and have international partners serving in several countries. Scott, Shannon and Ben LaRue are moving to Warsaw, Poland, to begin serving directly among displaced Russian-speakers as a part of their ReNew Venture. They are excited to be able to love, serve and disciple people who need the hope of Jesus. You can connect with them through email: Also, you can learn more at their website:

Destiny Rescue

Destiny Rescue is a Christian, International nonprofit dedicated to rescuing kids from human trafficking and sexual exploitation and helping them stay free. Once rescued, each child begins their path to freedom to rediscover their God-given destiny. Each child follows one of three paths: enrollment in a Destiny Rescue Freedom Plan, (components such as a safe home, urgent health needs, education or vocational training, trauma resilience training and spiritual growth, reunification with family or entrusted to a government agency or another local organization. Each child is unique, and so is their path to freedom. Thousands of children have been rescued, and hundreds of perpetrators have been arrested worldwide. You can join the fight and be the difference for the next child.“I thought I was going to die. Thanks for saving my life.” Survivor, Kenya Age 12

Christ in Youth (C.I.Y.)

Christ in Youth (CIY) partners with the local church to create moments and conversations that call young people to follow Jesus and into lives of Kingdom Work. CIY was founded in 1968 by Ozark Bible College Professor Bob Stacy. His vision was to create a place where the Gospel message could be presented to young people in a way that was contemporary and culturally relevant. The first conference was held in Summer 1969 and since then, CIY has grown to serve more than 65,000 people each year through age-intentional events, global mission trips, digital resources, film and media, youth leader retreats, and more. CIY is headquartered in Joplin, Missouri, with a European Office in Ireland. CIY serves pre-teens and teens by creating “moments” for them to experience and interact with the Gospel. Then we come alongside the local church and equip their leaders as they raise up the next generation of Kingdom Workers. CIY has been blessed to see many young people make life-changing decisions. In 2023, 3,681 made first time decisions to follow Jesus, 9,067 rededicated their lives and 22,272 committed to a life of Kingdom Work.

Taunton Family Children’s Home

Christ’s Hope has supported this mission financially with funds raised by things such as T-shirt sales, dinners, etc and has had a group travel to Florida for service projects since approximately 2019. This mission is not currently supported with a regular budget line item.The children of Taunton Family Children’s Home come in all shapes and sizes, colors and cultures…but they are all loved, supported and disciplined in the same way and with the same goal…to bring glory to God. Each summer many different Church groups join us to host annual summer camps. Each church plays a separate role. Churches visited this summer from Indiana, Texas and Alabama, and Local churches from Florida. Some groups come and work at the children’s home for the week helping with grounds keeping, painting, or other needs that the children’s home has. Others come and host VBS for our children and children in the community. The children share special friendships with many of the visitors who have been coming down each summer for many years. These groups truly have a special place in the hearts of the children and house-parents.